Assisting Children with Additional Needs in ELC
New edition
A comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of inclusive education and care of children with additional needs in the ELC setting.
Introduces concepts, definitions and terminology relating to additional needs, factors that may lead to additional needs, symptoms, treatment and supports
Presents additional needs and their impact in terms of physical, cognitive, linguistic, emotional and social development
Defines the role of the ELC practitioner in relation to each listed additional need
Outlines the history of additional needs provision, international and national legislation, policy and regulations that have shaped additional needs provision in Ireland over the past 30 years
Discusses principles of good practice for working with children with additional needs
Highlights the importance of inclusion for all children while demonstrating how to make learning relevant and beneficial using the Aistear framework
Presents a range of specialist aids and equipment that are available to allow children with additional needs to participate in activities and experiences
Highlights the key qualities and skills needed to be an effective special needs assistant (SNA) in an ELC setting
Details strategies to support children with additional needs and how to promote partnerships with parents/guardians
Explores the importance of working as part of a team, to include parents/guardians, key stakeholders and other members of the multidisciplinary team
Examines the impact of additional needs on the family
Illustrates the importance of regular reflection upon practice and engagement in supported, ongoing professional development