Skills for Exam Success Geography builds skills and perfects exam technique through exam tips, annotated sample answers and exam-style questions that fulfil the Learning Outcomes.
- Comprehensive examination guide and practice book catering for all students of Junior Cycle Geography.
- Each chapter structures the revision of topics around questions, many of which use the language of the exam.
- Exam Hints help students interpret and attempt questions and maximise marks.
- GeoSkill tips are given where a question that requires a geographical skill appears.
- Each chapter has exam-style questions, some taken from the sample exam and some completely new.
- Sample answers with marking scheme and annotations are given throughout.
- Includes OS maps at various scales: 1:50000, 1:25000 and 1:10000.
- Students are prompted to complete innovative mind maps, which will be invaluable study aids.
Skills for Exam Success Geography comes with a FREE eBook! See the inside front cover for details.